Artistic work selected:
•Runestonemuseum in Runhällen, Sweden. Exhibition on the runestones in Heby Municipality. Small shop with varies of art and crafts with runestone-art. Also runestone copy’s made by Linda. Tourist information, maps and information of each runestone.
•Twisted Design™ My own company. Different products and art with designs from runestone patterns. Also photos, bags and more.
•Teacher of design Saddler school in Tärnsjö. Teached students in design. Mentor for bagmaker students for their upcoming certificate. All students were approved with high scores.
•Silja Design Studio My own company. Leather products of my own design, bags, clothes, motorcycle seats and bags, furniture’s and more. 2002-2003
•Work for designer Sara Lüdke Consultant work and prototype making of leather products for Sara`s exhibit ”Red River” in Stockholm. Bench also shown at the furniture fair in Stockholm Sweden.
•Teacher of art and textile at Jr high school in Heby Municipality, Sweden.
•Makeup artist Kulturama Opera Studio 67, the finishing shows in Stockholm Sweden. Was one of two responsible for makeup, hair and wigs. 1992
•Sole makeup artist for Tom Savini´s theater production ”Dracula” at Cape Fear Regional Theatre, North Carolina, USA. Tom Savini, master on special effects, known for movies as ”Friday the 13th”, ”Dawn of the Dead”, ”Creepshow”, and many more. Responsible for makeup and hair.
•Partly responsible of the final production of the ”Theatre workshop”(Teaterverktan) The production had 12 dramatic plays in the time period 1902-1970s and two Commedia dell´arte. Also worked as the head makeup artist. Responsible for makeup artists, hair and makeup. Public performance in Sweden.
•Makeup artist in the show ”Blood-wedding” (Blodsbröllop) at the Peoples University in Stockholm (Folkuniversitetet) Sweden. Draft from certificate: -She has shown secure eye and feeling for the actors makeup. -She has worked serious and shown responsibility, also a relaxing and calm mind that put the actors in rest.
Artistic work selected:
•Runestonemuseum in Runhällen, Sweden. Exhibition on the runestones in Heby Municipality. Small shop with varies of art and crafts with runestone-art. Also runestone copy’s made by Linda. Tourist information, maps and information of each runestone.
•Twisted Design™ My own company. Different products and art with designs from runestone patterns. Also photos, bags and more.
•Teacher of design Saddler school in Tärnsjö. Teached students in design. Mentor for bagmaker students for their upcoming certificate. All students were approved with high scores.
•Silja Design Studio My own company. Leather products of my own design, bags, clothes, motorcycle seats and bags, furniture’s and more. 2002-2003
•Work for designer Sara Lüdke Consultant work and prototype making of leather products for Sara`s exhibit ”Red River” in Stockholm. Bench also shown at the furniture fair in Stockholm Sweden.
•Teacher of art and textile at Jr high school in Heby Municipality, Sweden.
•Makeup artist Kulturama Opera Studio 67, the finishing shows in Stockholm Sweden. Was one of two responsible for makeup, hair and wigs. 1992
•Sole makeup artist for Tom Savini´s theater production ”Dracula” at Cape Fear Regional Theatre, North Carolina, USA. Tom Savini, master on special effects, known for movies as ”Friday the 13th”, ”Dawn of the Dead”, ”Creepshow”, and many more. Responsible for makeup and hair.
•Partly responsible of the final production of the ”Theatre workshop”(Teaterverktan) The production had 12 dramatic plays in the time period 1902-1970s and two Commedia dell´arte. Also worked as the head makeup artist. Responsible for makeup artists, hair and makeup. Public performance in Sweden.
•Makeup artist in the show ”Blood-wedding” (Blodsbröllop) at the Peoples University in Stockholm (Folkuniversitetet) Sweden. Draft from certificate: -She has shown secure eye and feeling for the actors makeup. -She has worked serious and shown responsibility, also a relaxing and calm mind that put the actors in rest.
Exhibits, public selected:
•Twitter Art Exhibit at Trygve Lie Gallery, New York USA. Postcard art -graphic print.
31 of March - 31 of April 2016.
•Exhibit at Heby library showing my bags from "Slöjd är livet", 9th of March to 24th of April 2016.
•Photo exhibit "Color me blind" as a solo exhibit at Uppsala Photofestival in Sweden, 24th - 27th of September 2015.
•Showing four handmade bags in the exhibit "Slöjd är livet" at Upplandsmuseet in Uppsala Sweden, 22nd of May - 16th of august 2015.
•Twitter art exhibit in Moss, Norway. Graphic print/postcard. March 12 - March 26, 2015.
•Solo exhibit at Heby Library, Sweden.
Graphic etching prints.
13th of November - 12th of December 2014.
•Slideshow -London- at Besiktas International Festival of Photography in Istanbul. 17th of October - 18th of November 2014. Black and white photographs of London.
•Exhibit at Wik Community Art College Sweden, 18th of June 2014. Graphic etching prints.
•Twitter art exhibit at CityArts Factory Magic Gallery in Orlando Florida USA. 20th of March -11th of April 2014. Postcard art. Sugarlift etching.
•Solo photo exhibit "Feel me- see me" at Uppsala Photofestival 26-29th of September 2013.
Slottskällan, Sjukhusvägen 3 Uppsala Sweden.
•Solo photo exhibit at Heby library in Sweden. Solargraphy photographs. Monday,Tuesday-Friday 24th of June - 2nd of August 2013.
•Twitter Art Exhibit at Exhale Unlimited Gallery in Los Angeles USA, 12th of January - 10th of February 2013, postcard art.
•Photographs on stone wall, group exhibit at Galleri London in Uppsala Sweden. 23rd - 26th of August 2012.
•Exhibit of the work at the Screenprinting course at Wik Community Art College Sweden, 17th of June 2012.
•Runestone painting at Sala Spring Art Exhibit Sweden,14th - 28th of April 2012.
•Twitter Art Exhibit in Moss Norway, organized by David Sandum, 2012. Postcard art.
•Photographs –“Bike pARTs”. Café Jernvägen in Sala Sweden. Solo photoexhibit. 22 nd of May – 3 rd of June 2011.
•Photographs -motorcycles. Gallery Blotsvens in Strängnäs Sweden, with artists, theme bikes. 30th of April 2011.
•Photographs – motorcycles. Bilda in Heby Sweden (“Fest i Heby”), Art exhibition with local artists. 2nd -3rd of July 2010.
•Photographs on the theme; ”My picture of Sala”. Sala Spring lounge Sweden. 29th of May-12th of June 2010.
•Photographs – motorcycles. Spring lounge, Enåker Villagehall Sweden. Art exhibition with local artists 2nd of May 2010
•Runestone paintings, ”Art at Christmas” at Enåker Villagehall Sweden. Art exhibition with local artists. 22nd of November 2009
•Runestonemuseum in Runhällen Sweden, information about runestones in Heby Municipality and art. 2007-
• Runestone paintings, Spring lounge at Enåker Villagehall Sweden. Art exhibition with local artists 25th – 26th of April 2009
•Runestonemuseum at Heby library Sweden, Fall 2008.
â–ªLeatherwork at Gallery Agata, Stockholm Sweden. Sara Lüdkes exhibition ”Red River”. 1998
•Leatherwork on bench, work for designer Sara Lüdke. Stockholms Furniture Fair 1997, Sweden.
•Leatherwork on three chairs and one leather bag. Bäckmans school of art and design. Design Ann-Kristin Holmqvist. 1996, Sweden.
•Boxing sack in leather. Exhibition/Show ”Anti Violent Train” (Anti Vålds Tåget), Stockholm Sweden. Design Bigert & Bergström. 1995
•Masks; Commedia dell´arte. Student-exhibition. Theater makeup school (Teatermaskeringslinjen), Stockholm Sweden. 1990-1991