Linda Silja is an artist with a wide artistic path. Make-up artist, maskmaker, bagmaker with certificate, seamstress. Even courses as art and science and photograph.
Also been an consultant for interierdesigners and a teacher in design. She is originally from Karlstad Sweden, currently resides in Heby, Sweden.
Her passion is art, travel, photo and motorcycles. She also have worked as a sole make-up artist for the internationally known specialeffect master and actor Tom Savini in the USA for his play DRACULA at the Cape Fear Regional Theatre in Fayettville, NC.
She loves to travel and has traveld around the world and likes to document what she sees.
Her biggest interest is the Swedish runestones and the runestone patterns. In 2007 she opend the runestonemuseum in Runhällen, here she has information about the runestones in Heby municipality, runestonecopies, history, runes, vikingnames and more. The museum is also on the web, www.runstensmuseet.se.
Enjoy the art!